See what we've printed before

Gallery of past prints

Some of Our past work

Vacord does all custom work. These pictures are just example of our past orders, to inspire your creativity and show what we can do.

Startup t-shirts

A stack of lovely shirts for a startup, with their logo done with just two ink colors but in a gradient effect.

Hot air balloon screen printed shirts

This photorealistic hot air balloon print was done with discharge print, which allows us to do very fine detail.

Bombardier Band Shirt

"Punk Rock" white print for a band on American Apparel tri-blend shirts. We call it "Punk Rock" white when we do just one layer of white traditional ink on shirts, as it results in a lighter and more distressed looking white, while also being softer.

Bartram Academy school t-shirts

Shirts for a small private school on Gildan shirts. White discharge ink works well on nearly all shirt colors.

Church shirts

A bright discharge print on a blend shirt for a church.

Business t-shirts

White printing on an American Apparel tri-blend shirt for a company softball team.

Startup t-shirt for Cobalt

Simple yet gorgeous print for a software company on Canvas shirts.

Charity walk shirts

Shirts we printed for Marvel Comics! For a charity walk that their staff participated in.

Screen printed tank top for a BJJ studio

Matching a color in the artwork to the contrast color of the hems on this tank top brings the whole design together.

Non-profit organization t-shirt

A distressed white print on this faded looking green shirt makes a brand new shirt look vintage right away.

Two-color screen print

A tight two color print, with the black ink coming across as fairly subtle on an Asphalt gray shirt.

Oversized t-shirt

An oversized print! We can have your design take up the majority of the shirt if you want.

Discharge ink on a t-shirt

White discharge on a shirt, as an example of the longevity of our printing. This shirt was printed several years ago, and has been worn and washed dozens of times. The white print is still bright and the shirt still fits nicely.

Four-color screen print with discharge inks

Multiple color prints are easy if you have the right equipment and experience. This is a four color discharge print.

yoga shop tank tops

This is actually just two ink colors, but because we can blend colors using half tone dots, and also use the negative space of the design to let the shirt go through, you can achieve a design that looks like more colors than it really is.

Restaurant shirts

We love both printing for BBQ restaurants and also eating BBQ! This shirt has a good example of using negative space as a design element, as the outline of New Jersey is on the pig's backside, but really it's just the shirt's color showing through.

Canvas 3001 shirts

Soft Canvas 3001 shirts with a black and red waterbased/discharge print for a law firm's hot air balloon team

coffee shop t-shirts

One color printing is the cheapest option of course, but doing two colors isn't much more, and can really enhance how your design comes out, even if the second color is just a subtle accent color.

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